Live Webinar

Dr. Roy Barsness's training approach centers on seven core competencies that form the foundation of therapeutic practice.

Join Dr Roy Barsness: Founder and Executive Director of the Contemporary Psychodynamic Institute for an innovative online seminar.

Drawing from the seven core competencies that evolved from his qualitative and quantitative research, this workshop with Dr. Roy Barsness will focus on:

  • Therapeutic Outcome
  • Deep Listening/Affective Attunement
  • Patterning & Linking
  • Therapeutic Stance
  • Relational Dynamics
  • Repetition and Working Through
  • Courageous Speech/Disciplined Spontaneity
Core Competencies Image


The workshop offers participants the opportunity to reflect upon each of these disciplines/competencies with a primary focus on radical openness and courageous speech/disciplined spontaneity. The workshop will deepen participants’ understanding of relationally oriented theory and clinical techniques and will be useful in assessing one’s own practices from a relational psychoanalytic stance. The workshop does not assume any familiarity with relational psychoanalysis and is open to practitioners of all types (therapists, analysts, consultants, supervisors, masters level students). The workshop is intended to broaden participants' professional skills and understanding within the greater evolving research that understands that change and transformation within psychotherapy, is dependent upon the quality of the relationship between therapist and patient.  Dr. Barsness will be presenting on his book:  Core Competencies of Relational Psychoanalysis (Routledge, 2018) a clear and concise handbook of relationally oriented psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Using his extensive research, his own writings and writings of luminaries within the relational movement, Dr. Barsness will focus on the seven core competencies that evolved from his own research: therapeutic outcome; therapeutic stance; deep listening/affective attunement; relational dynamics; patterning and linking; conflict; and courageous speech/disciplined spontaneity.

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​Dr. Roy Barsness

​Where & when:

  • Saturday, 24 May 2025
  • Online 
  • 8:00am - 11:00am Brisbane time (AEST)
  • Cost: $200 plus GST

If you're interested in attending this seminar, please complete the online form by clicking the 'Register Interest' button below.

Our core belief is that through authentic relationship we become more fully alive and that when the self of the therapist is enlivened, the therapy enlivens, and that enlivens the client, who in turn enlivens their community.

Contemporary Psychodynamic Institute

Learning Objectives
  • Apply qualitative research skills within their own studies and practices that can assist in highlighting and enhancing non-behavioral, existential, relational modalities. 
  • Identify practical and common disciplines inherent in the relationally focused paradigms that are useful in conducting a coherent and purposeful treatment.
  • Apply relationally oriented practices with as clear a frame and purpose as evidenced-based models.
  • Identify relevant ethical considerations when working within a relationally focused model.
  • The workshop provides participants with the opportunity to identify and explore seven core disciplines or competencies in relational psychoanalysis, derived from a qualitative research study. It aims to deepen participants' understanding of relationally oriented theory and clinical techniques, with a primary focus on radical openness and courageous speech, as well as disciplined spontaneity. The workshop will be valuable for assessing and reflecting on one’s own practices from a relational psychoanalytic perspective.


  • Barsness, R. (2018). (Ed.) Core Competencies in Relational Psychoanalysis: A guide to Research, Study and Practice.  London. Routledge.

    Charmaz, K. (2006). Constructing Grounded Theory. Washington, D.C. Sage.

    Wright, R.W., Jones, P., & Strawn, B.D. (2014). Tradition-based integration. In E.D. Bland & B.D. Strawn (eds.), Christianity and psychoanalysis: A new conversation (pp. 37-54. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press.

Dr. Roy Barsness



Founder and Executive Director of the Contemporary Psychodynamic Institute

Dr. Barsness is a Psychoanalytic Psychologist/Clinician/Educator.  He is the Founder and Executive Director of the Contemporary Psychodynamic Institute; former Academic Dean and Professor at Seattle School of Theology and Psychology and Clinical Associate Professor for the University of Washington-School of Medicine – Department of Psychiatry. He teaches internationally at the University of Turin – Turin Italy and at the Sichuan Heguang Clinical Psychology Institute – China.   Dr. Barsness has presented at numerous conferences and academic institutions, has published in various professional journals and is the author of the texts:  Core Competencies in Relational Psychoanalysis: A Guide to Practice Study and Research (Routledge, 2018) and Psychodynamic Supervision Theory and Practices: In a New Key, (Routledge, 2025).Â