MERIT Video Series

Free self-paced learning modules for mental health professionals wanting to work with people recovering from schizophrenia or other forms of severe mental illness.

Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy Webinar Series

Explore the foundations of Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT) through discussions with its creator, Dr. Paul Lysaker, and colleagues. These Saturday morning sessions reveal the principles and applications of this approach to treating major mental disorders.

The editing of this video series by Chelsea Perks and Sarah Hope was made possible by the generous donations from Paul's partner Judith Lysaker, Robert Schweitzer, Jay Hamm, and Queensland University of Technology (QUT).





Paul Lysaker was instrumental in developing a new form of therapy that he termed MERIT (Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy) to address the needs of people with major mental disorders. This series, which you can view, was recorded as part of a Saturday morning discussion group with Paul and some colleagues that occurred over several months.
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This video series was recorded in 2022 as part of a regular discussion group focused on how Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT) can be utilised to meet the needs of individuals with significant mental disorders.



Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT) is a form of integrative individual psychotherapy that seeks to assist adults diagnosed with psychosis to make sense and meaning of the challenges and possibilities in their lives and to find ways to manage these and direct their own recovery. Building from advances in both cognitive and interpersonal research, MERIT seeks to expand the boundaries of cognitive-behavioural, person-centred, and psychodynamic approaches to treatment by focusing on how people make sense of their experiences of their own purpose and place in the world, allowing the development of a sense of belonging to our larger communities. In contrast to other approaches, MERIT focuses on core processes that should be present in a given session, rather than a predetermined curriculum. The training provides practitioners with the skills to help clients develop metacognitive capacity and sense of belonging while integrating cognitive-behavioural, person-centered, and psychodynamic approaches.


Ideal for practitioners who:
Work with psychosis and complex mental health
Seek flexible therapeutic approaches

Want to:

Develop integrative therapy skills

Support client-directed recovery

Build creative intervention abilities

Enhance metacognitive practice


  • Psychopathology of psychosis and schizophrenia

  • The Assessment and Intervention of Metacognition

  • Eliciting the agenda

  • Stimulation of Mastery

  • Awareness of the Mind of Other

  • Intersubjective Process and Attention to Progress

  • Assessment of Self Reflectivity

  • Stimulation of Self Reflectivity

  • Therapy Role-Play

  •  Integrating the Elements

To register for this free webinar series and self-paced learning modules, click the registration link below